Become a Reiki Practitioner
What is Reiki?
Reiki is Universal Life Force Energy and its application is a therapeutic technique. The practitioner becomes an open channel to this Life Force Energy allowing it to flow directly into the client, always for the highest good.
Kimberly believes that Reiki is a tool used to assist us in attaining and maintaining a state of balance, calm, and peace while experiencing the tremendous growth and release inherent in this journey we call life.
Kimberly practices and teaches the Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho method of Reiki and has been a Reiki Master/Teacher since 2004.
Reiki Training
Would you like to discover how to find balance, clear blockages and achieve alignment in your own body? Do you enjoy helping others? Sign up for a class with Kimberly and embark upon your own journey of Soul Transformation with Reiki.
Reiki I: 1st Degree
5 Hour Class/Ongoing Support - $500
In this class, you will receive the first 4 reiki attunements, opening your inner channel and initiating a 21 day cleansing period which activates and aligns your energy centers to allow a greater degree of life force energy to flow through you and into yourself or others. You will learn the history of Reiki, proper hand positions, and treatment methods for self and others. You will have access to ongoing one one one support through your 21 day clearing process. It is said that the first degree of Reiki initiates a “physical” clearing process.
Reiki II: 2nd Degree
4 Hour Class/Ongoing Support - $500
In this class, you will receive 2 additional attunements, and begin a second 21 day cleansing period. You will be given 3 traditional symbols and Kimberly will work with you to memorize these symbols and their meanings/energy. You will learn how to work with the symbols to amplify Reiki energy, clear mental/emotional blocks, send energy to people/places/situations, allowing you to work with Reiki from a distance. Kimberly will be available for ongoing one on one support following this class. It is said that the second degree of Reiki initiates a mental and emotional clearing process.
Reiki III: Master Therapist
4 Hour Class/Ongoing Support - $500
The first two levels of Reiki are for working with self and others. The third level is for the student who is called to be in service. Embarking on this journey involves surrendering ego and a dedication to the highest good of all! In this class, there will be 2 additional attunements that will allow you to work in the Reiki Master Frequency. Before taking this class, you must be adept in using the Reiki 2 symbols. You will receive your own personal Master Symbol and learn how to work with it. It is said that the third degree of Reiki initiates a spiritual clearing process. Kimberly will be available for one on one support through the 21 days of clearing.
Reiki III: Master Teacher
6 Hour Class/Ongoing Support - $1000
In this class, you will learn how to use the symbols to activate and attune others to Reiki Energy. You will learn, step by step, how to teach all levels of Reiki to students. You will recieve master copies of all teaching materials and you will be certified to teach in the Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Method of Natural Healing. In addition to your initial class, you will be invited to attend classes to observe as Kimberly teaches. Kimberly will remain available for ongoing support as needed.
Reiki training sessions can be 1 on 1 or held within a group setting
Please inquire for additional information.
How Reiki Found Kimberly
“I was 22 years old and studying to become a clinical herbalist when someone in class mentioned Reiki. At the time, I was too proud to ask what it was, but I felt that I needed to know more so I went to my local ‘woo woo’ bookstore. I picked up what was to become my first book on Reiki - my hands started getting hot as I was holding it.
I bought the book, took it home, and in the intro the author explained that hot hands are the mark of a Reiki practitioner. I returned to ask the owner of the store where I could find a teacher and he immediately picked up the phone… the rest is history.”